Month: August 2019

Electric Vehicle Production is Possible in Oshawa

Green Jobs Oshawa distributed this leaflet at the Unifor Constitutional Convention on Wednesday, August 21. It calls for government action to establish electric vehicle production in Oshawa, under public ownership.

Links to download PDF copies of the leaflet in English and French are at the end of this post.

A PDF of the leaflet is available for download:

Download the English leaflet
Télécharger le dépliant en français

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Unifor Convention – Support Progressive Resolutions

Local 222 (Oshawa) has submitted some very important resolutions to the Unifor Constitutional Convention, which is being held in Quebec City from August 19-23.

These resolutions challenge the Unifor delegates to: 1) support a Workers’ Green New Deal, 2) fight for equal wages, pensions and benefits in legislation and bargaining, and 3) rejoin the CLC.

These resolutions were all raised from the floor and passed by the membership at Local meetings. They were NOT put forward by the Local leadership. In fact, the Local 222 leadership did not put forward any resolutions for the Convention.

If you are a Unifor member, please urge your delegates to support these resolutions.

Workers’ Green New Deal

Equal Wages, Benefits and Pensions

Reaffiliate to the CLC

Resolutions Booklet

These resolutions are R-2, R-5, and R-6. All of the resolutions and constitutional amendments can be found in the Resolutions Booklet.

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